# Admin: order history

  • On this page, the administrators get an overview of all orders that have already been place

# Preparation

# Create a Orders component

  • Create a new Livewire component with the terminal command php artisan make:livewire Admin/Orders
    • app/Http/Livewire/Admin/Orders.php (the component class)
    • resources/views/livewire/admin/orders.blade.php (the component view)
  • Open the component class and change the layout to layouts.vinylshop


class Orders extends Component
    public function render()
        return view('livewire.admin.orders')
            ->layout('layouts.vinylshop', [
                'description' => 'Overview orders',
                'title' => 'Overview orders',

# Add a new route

  • Add a new get-route for the Orders to the routes/web.php file
  • Update the navigation menu in resources/views/components/layouts/nav-bar.blade.php

# Exercise: orders overview


  • The code for the orders overview is almost the same as the code for the order history for the users
  • Most of the code can be copied from the user history page, but there are some differences
  • The recordset is not filtered by the user id, but contains all orders
  • The recordset is ordered descending by the order date (last order comes first)
  • Also add some pagination to the recordset because there can be a lot of orders
    (Pagination is not visible in the screenshot below because there are only 4 orders) orders overview
  • Notice that every card (every order) contains data from three different tables:
    • table orderlines (red)
    • table orders (green)
    • table users (yellow)

Database model


  • To make it easier to understand what's happening behind the scenes, you first have to make a couple of orders with different users
  • It's important that the last order, in this example the order with id = 4 (marked as # 4):
    • comes from the user ITF User 25 (email: itf_user_25@mailinator.com and password: itfuser25)
    • contains the records 1 x The Clash - London Calling and 2 x Sonic Youth - EVOL
  • We already know how to add the relation between the order and the orderlines, but now we have to add the relation between the order and the user as well
    • Order with relation to the orderlines: Order::with('orderlines')->...
    • Order with relation to the users: Order::with('users')->...
    • Order with relation to the orderlines AND to the user: Order::with('orderlines', 'users')->...
  • Pay special attention to the date inside the card header!
    • When adding the date using $order->created_at, you get the full date with the timestamp 2022-11-10 09:15:18, as this is the format in our database
    • The created_at property and the updated_at property are automatically cast to a Carbon object when you use the withTimestamps() method in the model, so you can use the format() method directly to format the date
    • You can format a date field inside Blade with format()
      • The format string argument within this method corresponds to the default PHP date formats (opens new window), e.g:
        $order->created_at->format('M d Y') returns Nov 10 2022
        $order->created_at->format('l: n-j-Y') returns Thursday: 11-10-2022
Last Updated: 4/20/2023, 6:43:28 PM