# Part 7 - Courses dashboard

  • Install Debug middleware
  • New Livewire component for courses: Course
    • Custom pagination
    • Preloader
  • Show a dashboard of courses, sorted alphabetically
    • Use Tailwind to design a minimalistic card per course
    • Card should include:
      • Programme name
      • Course name
      • Course description
      • Button to manage students
  • Result:

Course dashboard

  • Form for filtering
    • Filter on course name or description
    • Choose a programme in the dropdown list
    • The form submits when
      • The user changes the text input (course name or description)
      • The user changes the dropdown value (programme or amount of records)
        • Think about debouncing!
  • Result:

Course dashboard with filter

  • Custom error message when filter doesn't return a result
  • Result:

Course dashboard with no results after filter

Last Updated: 11/4/2022, 12:27:25 PM